The Body Doctor: Your Adult And Child Dietitian In Sydney

Submitted by: John Arthur

A recent study by the University of Sydney, which was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, has revealed that children who drink beverages with high levels of sugar and carbohydrates are at risk of cardiovascular diseases heart illnesses or high blood pressure in the future. This research conducted on about 2,000 12-year-old children shows that those with high sugar and carbohydrate intake have narrower retinal arteries or blood vessels in the retina, which is a precursory sign of cardiovascular diseases. Dr. Bamini Gopinath, the senior researcher in this study, said, We need to carry out further studies, but it is definitely a warning to parents and children to cut down on carbohydrates and sugar. The health of the retinal blood vessels provides an accurate indication of the entire body s blood vessel health.

On top of this, worldwide reports also show that children from some countries are facing obesity problems while children from other countries are having malnutrition problems.

Seeking Help from Expert Nutritionists

Some of the health problems manifested by adults today actually stem out from their food and drink intake when they were young and from their eating habits and routines as well. It is important that people seek proper help before the problem starts or exacerbates. Parents or guardians can ask a nutritionist s help to check if their children have the proper, needed nutrition. If you re looking for a dietitian in Sydney, The Body Doctor can assist you. Whether it s nutrition for children or adults, they can help you. They also have sports nutritionist in Sydney for those who need dietary guidelines tailored to their specific needs for a particular sport. And for those who need help in managing weight loss, Sydney s The Body Doctor is also capable to assist you.


Although there could be remedial efforts done to help improve or ease the situation later, it s still better to have preventive measures established from the start. This means that parents or guardians have the responsibility to see to it that their children follow proper diet and food intake. The Body Doctor is one with you in your pursuit of a healthy life for your children.

The Body Doctor Fixes Children s Issues on Nutrition

Any nutritional problem or issue your child may be facing can be addressed accordingly by The Body Doctor. If you are struggling to manage your child s nutrition or you want to improve your child s eating habits, then The Body Doctor can help you, especially in these areas:

Establishing healthy eating habits

Overcoming fussy eating

Weight gain and improved growth

Gastro-intestinal issues, such as constipation, bloating and diarrhoea

Allergies and Intolerances

Addressing overweight and obesity

Improving athletic performance

Remember that the way you feed your children has a lasting influence on their eating patterns and their attitude to food, which will eventually affect their health and lifestyle as they grow up. You may not be aware of the effects but the eating habits instilled early in life have a huge impact in one s cognitive, emotional and social development.

About the Author: The Body DoctorWe are a boutique nutrition consultancy in Sydney that offers tailored weight loss and weight control nutritional programs, developed by our experienced dietitian or nutritionist. We also have a sports nutritionist for active and athletic people. Visit


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