The Theory Of Motivation In The Workplace

By Matthew Hick

Let’s face it: not many of us like getting up in the morning to face the long day of work ahead. However, every working person still does this for his or her own personal reasons. These reasons make up a theory of motivation for going to work.

Most people do not work merely for the fun of it. Chances are, there is an underlying reason or reasons that drive the person to put the effort forth. Some key reasons that motivate individuals to work are:




-Social life

Show me the money:

In many cases, money certainly does make the world go around. Money is the number one reason in the theory of motivation that makes people want to work. Money earned on the job will pay bills, support a family or an individual, or be put towards a material goal. Parents may work to pay for their child’s upbringing and education. A high school student may work to pay for auto insurance and possibly his or her own car. A college student may work to pay for university courses and books. Money is a highly important factor when it comes to living comfortably.

In the workplace theory of motivation, company owners and bosses understand how important money is. For this reason, they may offer employees monetary rewards or benefits for a job well done. They understand that an employee who is happy will reap prosperity for their company.

Who’s the boss?

On-the-job responsibility is another element in the workplace theory of motivation. Most workers take great pride in their work and in the job that they perform. People become motivated by the responsibilities that their jobs can bring. For example, an assistant manager at a retail store may do his or her best to get as many sales as possible and to learn as much as possible about management of the store. This may be due to the fact that this person has the hope of one day becoming manager of the entire store. Responsibility, therefore, is also rated highly in the theory of motivation.

The workplace as a meeting place:

Some people are not concerned about salary or job advancement. Instead, they are interested in the social part of the workplace. Because of this, the desire for a social life is part of the theory of motivation in the workplace. Typically, wives who are the secondary providers in a household that does not require them to work, still take jobs because they find that staying at home is boring.

At work, they will meet friends to chat with, go out with after work hours, or simply to confide in and share experiences with. Many elderly people also take on careers for this reason. Many older people become bored with retirement or lonely staying home alone. They work in order to have a social life. Thus, a social life is also part of the theory of motivation in the workplace.

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